Lymphatic Therapy with Nicole

I have studied with the Casley-Smith Method of Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy, which involves the treatment for lymphoedema, lipoedema, swelling, fibrosis and scarring. Treatment includes manual lymphatic drainage, gentle exercise prescription and recommendations for skin care, precautions and activity modification.

Manual Lympatic Drainage encourages the natural process of the lymphatic vessels to eliminate waste products. It stimulates the lymph system to absorb and transport lymph more effectively which promotes tissue health, detoxification and the immue system. It can be a beneficial treatment for; lymphoedema (preventaion and management), lipoedema, oedema reduction, pregnancy related swelling, post liposuction, pain relief, fibromyalgia, pre/post surgery, arthritis and headaches.

Lymphoedema is the accumulation of excessive amounts of protein-rich fluid resulting in swelling of one or more regions of the body. Lymphoedema may arise because the lymphatic vessels or nodes have been damages or were not formed correctly.