Sexual Pain... Physio can help

Did you know….Sexual pain and discomfort is a common issue amongst all genders. It may be associated with endometriosis or childbirth, however, many people suffer with sexual dysfunction for other reasons. Many genito-pelvic pain disorders appear in the form of pelvic floor muscle tension, which makes any type of penetration (sexual, tampons, gynaecological examination tools) very difficult or impossible.

One of the roles of pelvic floor physiotherapy is to assist in the treatment of sexual pain, by increasing muscle awareness and proprioception, improving muscle relaxation, strengthening muscles and increasing the elasticity of the tissues in order to eliminate or reduce pain. Different exercise techniques, biofeedback, manual therapy and insertion techniques are used to achieve positive results. These techniques, when performed by an appropriately qualified therapist, have been shown to have positive results in many women with sexual and pelvic pain difficulties. We are very fortunate to have two Physiotherapists who are trained in pelvic floor physiotherapy and are passionate about helping people with pelvic pain disorders. 

Content provided By Shannyn McGrice, Womens Health Physiotherapist.