RICER no more?

The acronym RICER was considered the ‘go to’ management strategy for people who have suffered an injury. The acronym breaks down some of the key acute injury management techniques to help individuals get a head start on swelling and pain management. This acronym is broken up into:

R- Rest, I- Ice, C- Compression, E- Elevation, R- Referral

However, with limited evidence supporting the once loved acronym RICER, there has been a shift to a new set of principles and acronym, PEACE & LOVE. Although still containing some of the same principles used within RICER and other acronyms such as POLICE, PEACE & LOVE contains the new principles to provide people with the most appropriate strategies post injury to optimise healing. The acronym is as follows:

P- Protection

·       Protect the injury by unloading and avoiding aggravating movements for the first 1-3 days

E- Elevation

·       Elevate the injured limb (higher than the heart) to help with swelling management

A- Avoid Anti-inflammatories

·       Avoid anti-inflams as they may reduce the benefits of the inflammatory process which is important in tissue healing

C- Compression

·       Compression through bandages, compression garments or Tubigrip to help with swelling management

E- Education

·       Seek medical/professional advice to help with the management of the injury


L- Load

·       Listen to your body as you increase load and integrate back into normal activities

O- Optimism

·       Stay positive and confident in yourself to optimise recovery

V- Vascularisation

·       Complete pain free cardiovascular exercises to help increase blood flow

E- Exercise

·       Complete exercises to improve strength, range of motion and proprioception


Although RICER is still used heavily today, PEACE & LOVE is slowly becoming more and more prevalent as many health professionals are integrating these principles into the early management of injuries.

So next time you sustain an injury whether that be at sport, work or day to day life, remember to follow the new and improved principles of PEACE & LOVE!

Written by Matthew Long, Physiotherapist